TheHun is a yellow page site that is flooded with beautiful naked girl images and videos for free. TheHun was started in 1997 and still one of the oldest and active yellow pages on the internet. runs with too many ads and only with that, the site can provide free porn content to adults.
TheHun site’s theme hasn’t been changed over the years. It looks very aged and lacks user experience.
TheHun Naked Girl Summary: Old-Fashioned Porn Gallery Site
Even though has tons of free porn images and videos, the site looks very vulnerable and hardly looks up to date.
TheHun offers uncensored and hardcore sexual content which we usually don’t get to watch on many sites.
TheHun home page has 12+ ads displayed which is also related to adult porn and adult dating related stuff.
TheHun’s Features:
TheHun’s Blog – Check out the complete information on where to find uncut sex videos, free Asian porn, hidden sex cam videos, free sex shows, and much more on the blog.
TheHun Tube – If you’re into all sorts of bondage and fetish sex videos, the hun tube is the best section to watch that. TheHun teamed with creative porn directors and producers to come up with a separate channel for free sex videos.
Overflow – does have a variety of porn images and videos based on different categories such as,
- Skinny Amateur Girls
- Sexual Action
- Fat Butt Fucked
- Latina Anal Fuck
- Asian Cam Girls
- Hairy European Girls
- Brunette Porn Girls
- Ebony Couple Sex
Thumbs-up – All the favorite content from the readers is sorted out and placed in the thumbs up section. It contains sexual content that is more than 2 decades old too.
Archived – All the earliest porn videos and photos are archived in this section. We could see celeb porn pics and amateur nude girls images in a huge collection.
Popular – TheHun features the most liked and most read and most bookmarked content on the popular section. Easily sparks the interest of readers to peep into hot stuff that is widely liked by many.
TheHun’s extras – also has additional facilities to buy adult content products in the hunstore and also adds a dating site called hundating for adults who like to meet and fuck for fun.
Both hunstore and hundating looks dull and misses the grab the attention of porn readers.
Naked Girls Gallery Sites like
Not only, but we also have porn image sharing sites that work with fewer ads and more discreet content. Take CoedCherry (review at the link) for example, it’s stuffed with the most updated free porn photos of girls. Conclusions:
The world is moving fast and so does the technology in the adult entertainment industry.
TheHun yellow page porn site manages to stay in the float for a long time but thanks to adult porn ads that are keeping it alive.
TheHun showcase of extreme and hardcore porn videos in the home section is the only savior for porn lovers. The rest of the pages and contents didn’t give any boner to porn addicts.
TheHun porn videos do have cam show videos too, but the real question is when we have sex cam sites like that offers free live sex cams, how many would fancy watching pre-recorded content in the Hun? Not me.
TheHun is an old-fashioned porn gallery site. Probably not the best of porn sites to spend time on.