HeavyR is a free fetish porn tube site with extreme hardcore videos. As the name suggests, HeavyR is filled with an uncensored and uncompromised list of fetish porn videos.
HeavyR’s site theme wasn’t the most convincing thing when you’re claiming as hardcore porn tube. With the looks of it, I certainly thought HeavyR is a newcomer to fetish porn, and guess what, HeavyR was launched way back in 2010.
HeavyR looks more like a porn blog site and less of a fetish porn site. Having said that, the porn videos look hard and porn addicts are in for a surprise.
HeavyR Fetish Porn Summary: Super Weird Porn That Gives Us Chills.

HeavyR keeps the bar differently by allowing adult porn lovers to upload their videos too.
So far, HeavyR mentions the site has registered more than 140,000 members.
HeavyR looks ordinary for a fetish porn site, I’d watched some crazy videos in here and the presentation could have made it better to attract viewers.
HeavyR leaves no one empty for sure. If you’re into gross and nasty fetish videos, Heavy R might be your pick. (and that’s pretty sick)
HeavyR’s Features:
Home – Yet another half-cooked home page that is stuffed with advertisements and crazy fetish porn videos.
We could see videos of cunt holes getting screwed with a big inflatable ball and shit eating. That’s way too gross than we imagined.
Browse Videos – It would take at least years to completely watch the number of fetish porn videos in HeavyR porn tube. Yes, especially when it has more than 190,000 porn videos for free.
Porn Pics – Just like HeavyR fetish porn videos, the pics porn is huge but the good part is; everything looks in good quality if not the best.
HeavyR Categories – Here’s the list of HeavyR porn videos that are categorized,
- Amateur, Anal, BDSM, Big Tits, Big Dick, Creampie, Dp, Fisting, Hardcore, Humiliation, Insertion, Lesbian, MILF, Old vs Young, Pissing, Poop, Shemale, and Torture.
BDSM Sex Games – I’d happily skip spending nonsense time on playing games. For fuck’s sake, we are in a free fetish porn site, let’s have a go at it rather than wasting time on stupid games.
Fetish Porn Sites Like HeavyR.com:
Arguable HeavyR is one of the best fetish porn sites when it comes to the number of porn. However, if you want to look at only hardcore fetish videos like feet lick, feet inside butt hole, fingering ass and sucking, then the best place would be Feet9 (review at the link).
HeavyR Conclusions:
What worked for HeavyR?
- Without a doubt, the variety of fetish and hardcore videos. Because most of them looked natural and real than filmed.

What didn’t work for HeavyR?
Website theme, Ads, Poor judgment on fetish assortment, and regular porn.
Here’s what adult porn users are crazy about fetish porn, they’re more inclined to watch them live and interact with girls who insert something big on their butt holes.
For those adults who want to have a bit of new live fetish porn, feel free to glance at Streamate.com and you’ll understand there’s a whole different world of live porn available than recorded videos.
To sum up, HeavyR could be surprising for new porn viewers but eventually boring for regular porn addicts.